TYPE: Regular Board Meeting
DATE: 10/26/2015       TIME: 5:30 PM
LOCATION: School District Board Room-1936 Carlotta Drive, Co
1.0 Call to Order
1.1 Call to Order at 5:30 p.m. Info
1.2 Preliminary Business Info
2.0 Public Comment
2.1 Public Comment: The public may address the Board concerning items that are scheduled for discussion during Closed Session only. These presentations are limited to three minutes each, or a total of thirty minutes for all speakers or the three minute limit may be shortened. Speakers are not allowed to yield their time. Info
3.0 Announcements
3.1 In Closed Session, the Board will Consider the Items Listed on the Closed Session Agenda Info
4.0 Closed Session Agenda
4.1 (Item #1) Discipline, Dismissal or Release of Public Employee (Gov. Code Sec. 54957(b)(1)) Info/Action
4.2 (Item #2) Discipline, Dismissal or Release of Public Employee (Gov. Code Sec. 54957(b)(1)) Info/Action
4.3 (Item #4) Existing Litigation - Conference with Legal Counsel (Paragraph (1) of subdivision (d) of Government Code Section 54956.9): Mt. Diablo Unified School District v. Clayton Valley Charter High School, et al., Contra Costa Superior Court Case No. MSC15-00574 Info/Action
4.4 (Item #5) Existing Litigation - Conference with Legal Counsel (Paragraph (1) of subdivision (d) of Government Code Section 54956.9): John Does v. Mt. Diablo Unified School District, Contra Costa County Superior Court Action No. C14-00262 Info/Action
4.5 (Item #6) Anticipated Litigation: Conference with Legal Counsel pursuant to Gov't. Code Sec. 54956.9(d)(2), Significant Exposure to Litigation: John Does, et al. v. Mt. Diablo Unified School District Info/Action
4.6 (Item #7) Anticipated Litigation - Conference with Legal Counsel: Initiation of litigation pursuant to paragraph (4) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9: 1 case Info/Action
4.7 (Item #8) Anticipated Litigation - Conference with Legal Counsel pursuant to Gov't. Code Sec. 54956.9(b), Significant Exposure to Litigation: 5 cases Info/Action
4.8 (Item #9) Negotiations - The Board may discuss negotiations or provide direction to its representatives regarding represented employees, pursuant to EERA (Govt. Code Section 3549.1) Agency negotiator: Deborah Cooksey; Agencies: MDEA, DMA, MDSPA, CST Local 1 and Teamsters Local 856 Info/Action
5.0 Adjourn to Closed Session at 5:30 p.m.
5.1 Adjourn to Closed Session at 5:30 p.m. Action
6.0 Preliminary Business
6.1 Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call Info
7.0 Reconvene Open Session
7.1 Reconvene to Open Session at 7:00 p.m. Info
8.0 Report Out Action Taken in Closed Session
8.1 (Item #1) Discipline, Dismissal or Release of Public Employee (Gov. Code Sec. 54957(b)(1)) Info/Action
8.2 (Item #2) Discipline, Dismissal or Release of Public Employee (Gov. Code Sec. 54957(b)(1)) Info/Action
8.3 (Item #4) Existing Litigation - Conference with Legal Counsel (Paragraph (1) of subdivision (d) of Government Code Section 54956.9): Mt. Diablo Unified School District v. Clayton Valley Charter High School, et al., Contra Costa Superior Court Case No. MSC15-00574 Info/Action
8.4 (Item #5) Existing Litigation - Conference with Legal Counsel (Paragraph (1) of subdivision (d) of Government Code Section 54956.9): John Does v. Mt. Diablo Unified School District, Contra Costa County Superior Court Action No. C14-00262 Info/Action
8.5 (Item #6) Anticipated Litigation: Conference with Legal Counsel pursuant to Gov't. Code Sec. 54956.9(d)(2), Significant Exposure to Litigation: John Does, et al. v. Mt. Diablo Unified School District Info/Action
8.6 (Item #7) Anticipated Litigation - Conference with Legal Counsel: Initiation of litigation pursuant to paragraph (4) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9: 1 case Info/Action
8.7 (Item #8) Anticipated Litigation - Conference with Legal Counsel pursuant to Gov't. Code Sec. 54956.9(b), Significant Exposure to Litigation: 5 cases Info/Action
8.8 (Item #9) Negotiations - The Board may discuss negotiations or provide direction to its representatives regarding represented employees, pursuant to EERA (Govt. Code Section 3549.1) Agency negotiator: Deborah Cooksey; Agencies: MDEA, DMA, MDSPA, CST Local 1 and Teamsters Local 856 Info/Action
9.0 Recognitions and Resolutions
9.1 Resolution No. 15/16-16: Native American Heritage Month Action
10.0 Board Member Reports
10.1 Board Member Reports Info
11.0 Superintendent's Report
11.1 Superintendent's Report Info
12.0 Student Representatives
12.1 Student Representative Reports Info
13.0 Reports/Information
13.1 German American Partnership Program Info
13.2 Valley View Middle School Robotics Club Info
13.3 Brown Act: Clarification on Board Agenda Dockets and Attachments Info
14.0 Public Employee Appointment
14.1 Appointment of School Support Administrator Action
14.2 Appointment of Elementary Principal - Cambridge Elementary Action
14.3 Classified Personnel: Appointment of Educational and Behavior Management Specialist: Special Education Action
14.4 Classified Personnel: Appointment of Occupational Therapist Action
15.0 Consent Agenda Action
15.1 (Item #1) Items listed under Consent Agenda are considered routine and will be approved/adopted by a single motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items; however, any item may be removed from the consent agenda upon the request of any member of the Board and acted upon separately. Action
15.2 (Item #2) College Park High School's Wrestling Team Trip to Aptos, December 27-29, 2015 Action
15.3 (Item #3) College Park High School's Wrestling Team to Chico High School, January 7-9, 2016 Action
15.4 (Item #4) College Park High School's Wrestling Team Trip to James Logan High School, February 25-27, 2016 Action
15.5 Item #5) College Park High School's Trip to the 30th Annual Santa Cruz Jazz Festival, March 19-20, 2016 Action
15.6 (Item #6) College Park High School's Wrestling Team Trip to Rabobank Arena, Bakersfield, CA, March 3-5, 2016 Action
15.7 (Item #7) Mt. Diablo High School's Serendipity Trip to Disneyland, March 28-31, 2016 Action
15.8 (Item #8) Mt. Diablo High School's trip to Monterey, CA, April 8-9, 2016 Action
15.9 (Item #9) Mt. Diablo High School's trip to Yosemite National Park, CA, April 12-14, 2016 Action
15.10 (Item #10) Mt. Diablo High School's Trip to Epcot Center, Florida, May 2-6, 2016 Action
15.11 (Item #11) Mt. Diablo High School's trip to Bothe-Napa Valley State Park, Calistoga, CA, May 21-22, 2016 Action
15.12 (Item #12) Northgate High School's trip to Folsom, CA, January 22-24, 2016 Action
15.13 (Item #13) Northgate High School's trip to Cabrillo College, Aptos, CA, March 18-20, 2016 Action
15.14 (Item #14) Northgate High School's Trip To Next Generation Jazz Festival, Monterey, CA, April 8-10, 2016 Action
15.15 (Item #15) Sequoia Middle School Field Trip to a Disney Conference in Anaheim, CA, January 28-30, 2016 Action
15.16 (Item #16) Sequoia Middle School Field Trip to Ano Nuevo State Reserve located on State Highway 1 between Half Moon Bay and Santa Cruz, CA, February 4-5, 2016 Action
15.17 (Item #17) Community Engagement Memo of Understanding between Saint Mary's College of California and Mt. Diablo Unified School District Action
15.18 (Item #18) Memorandum of Understanding between Fortune School of Education and Mt. Diablo Unified School District Action
15.19 (Item #19) Application to the State Board of Education to Serve as a Supplemental Education Service (SES) Provider for the 2017-2019 School Years Action
15.20 (Item #20) Ygnacio Valley High School's Independent Contract with Events To The 'T', Inc., for Prom on May 20, 2017 Action
15.21 (Item #21) Contract between Mt. Diablo Unified School District-Bancroft Elementary and Exploring New Horizons Camp Loma Mar Action
15.22 (Item #22) Contracts Between Mt. Diablo Unified School District-Walnut Acres Elementary, Bancroft Elementary, Westwood Elementary And Soul Shoppe Action
15.23 (Item #23) Medi-Cal Administrative Claiming Agreement between Contra Costa County Office of Education and Mt. Diablo Unified School District for the 2015/2016 School Year Action
15.24 (Item #24) Independent Service Contracts for Transportation Vendors for 2015-2016 School Year Action
15.25 (Item #25) Amended Certificate of Signatures Action
15.26 (Item #26) Budget Transfer and/or Budget Increases/Decreases for July 1 through September 30, 2015. Action
15.27 (Item #27) Fiscal Transactions for the Month of September, 2015 Action
15.28 (Item #28) Certificated Personnel: Request to Increase and Decrease Full Time Equivalent (FTE) for the 2015-2016 School Year Action
15.29 (Item #29) Recommended Action for Certificated Personnel Action
15.30 (Item #30) Classified Personnel: Request to Increase/Decrease Full Time Equivalent (FTE) for the 2015/16 School Year Action
15.31 (Item #31) Recommended Action for Classified Personnel Action
15.32 (Item #32) Award of Bid for Bid 1723-Custodial Supplies Action
15.33 (Item #33) Award of Service Contract to PHd Architects, Inc. for 2010 Measure C, Kitchen Improvements Assessment and Design Services for Modernization Groups I – IV at Various Sites Action
15.34 (Item #34) Final Change Order 1698-001 (DEDUCTIVE) to Bobo Construction, Inc. for Contract #C-935/MDUSD Bid 1698 – Hardscape Repairs at Bel Air ES, Rio Vista ES, Riverview MS, Shore Acres ES, Concord HS, Mt. Diablo HS, Oak Grove MS, College Park HS, and Ygnacio Valley HS - Modernization Group I Action
15.35 (Item #35) Notice of Completion for Bid 1698: Modernization Group I Hardscape Repairs At Various Sites Action
15.36 (Item #36) Final Change Order for RFQ 1719: Flooring Improvements at Various Sites Action
15.37 (Item #37) Notice of Completion of RFQ 1719: Flooring Improvements at Various Sites Action
15.38 (Item #38) Minutes for the Board of Education Meeting Held on October 12, 2015 Action
16.0 Consent Items Pulled for Discussion
17.0 Communications
17.1 District Organizations: At regular Board meetings, a single spokesperson of each recognized district organization may make a brief presentation following the Consent Agenda. Items are limited to those which are informational. Info
18.0 Public Comment
18.1 Public Comment: The public may address the Board regarding any item within the jurisdiction of the Board of Education of the Mt. Diablo Unified School District that is not on this agenda. These presentations are limited to three minutes each, or a total of thirty minutes for all speakers, or the three minute limit may be shortened. If there are multiple speakers on any one subject, the public comment period may be moved to the end of the meeting. Speakers are not allowed to yield their time. Info
19.0 Business/Action Items
19.1 Update on Holbrook Elementary School and Glenbrook Middle School Info
19.2 Demographic Study Info/Action
19.3 New Membership Recommendation for Community Advisory Committee (CAC) Action
19.4 Orbach Huff Suarez & Henderson LLP Legal Services Contract Action
19.5 Creation of Job Descriptions for Work Based Learning Liaison I and Work Based Learning Liaison II Action
19.6 Revision of Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 5116.1 (Intradistrict Open Enrollment) Info
19.7 Revision of Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 5117 (Interdistrict Attendance) Info
19.8 Meeting Extension Action
19.9 Execution of Documents Action
20.0 Future Agenda Items
20.1 Future Agenda Items Info
21.0 Closed Session
21.1 Items Not Completed During the First Closed Session will be Carried Over to this Closed Session Action
22.0 Reconvene Open Session
22.1 Reconvene Open Session and Report Out Action Taken in Closed Session Info
23.0 Adjournment
23.1 Adjourn Meeting Action